Friends of Trees Community Event

Come plant trees in St. Johns, University Park and Cathedral Park Neighborhoods!  Planting begins at 8:45am at St Johns Christian Church, 8044 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR 97203, USA (map).  Parents Amy Michet and Whitney Dorer (parents of Oliver) participate in this event every year and it is a fun way to get dirty and help make our community more green!  Kids of all ages are welcome – we need lots of worm collectors.
Please arrive by 8:45am to sign-in and enjoy some breakfast snacks and coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. The planting starts at 9:00am. We provide gloves, tools, and guidance. We ask that all volunteers dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes/boots you don’t mind getting dirty, and be ready to have fun! Neighborhood volunteers provide a potluck lunch for all volunteers after the planting is complete, it’s a small way we can say “thank you” for your hard work. All-gender restrooms are available at this event.

How do I register? Click here and fill out the quick registration form. Individuals and groups welcome! Please know that groups larger than 4-5 people will be split onto multiple planting crews at this event. Registration is recommended, not required.

Have a pickup truck? We need your help getting these young trees to their planting sites a few blocks away from the central staging site. Please sign up at if you’re able to help us out in this key role.

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